FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

This is the place you will find answers to the most common questions.

If you have a question you don’t see answered here, please send email to one of the following:

What are your shipping rates and return policies?

You can read a detailed explanation of our shipping rates and policies here: Shipping & Returns.

How do I delete items from my shopping cart?

  1. There are two ways to delete items from your shopping cart. One is to click on the X icon beside each item you wish to remove from the cart.
  2. The other is to reduce the quantity of the item seen on the right to zero (0) and clicking the update cart button.

How do I log in? How do I create an account?

Login and the creation of an account is all done at the same location: the login page. This store opened as of the beginning of February, 2010. If you were a shopper with us in the past, you must make a new account if you have not shopped with us since February 1st, 2010. We apologize for the inconvenience! In hopes of helping first time shoppers, click here for a tutorial on how to shop, which includes making a new account.

Why didn’t you answer my email?
Why didn’t I get my invoice?

Emails are usually responded to within 24-48 hours and invoices are sent out minutes after an order is logged in the store. If you did not get a reply by email, it may be due to your email provider blocking our correspondence. We try to answer questions about merchandise in the store and would not ignore you.

Numerous times we’ve had emails bounce back to the store because members and/or potential shoppers were blocking emails or they end up in the spam folder. First check your spam folder. If it isn’t there, before contacting us please add titanichistoricalsociety.org and titanichistoricalsociety.net to your email white/safe list. Then email us. We can resend any emails that didn’t get through to you. Additionally you can call or fax us any time during business hours at the numbers listed at the bottom of the website.

I can’t remember my password.

Click on this link to reset your password:  https://store.titanichistoricalsociety.org/my-account/lost-password/. Enter your email address and if you have an account, a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.

I can’t remember my password and I don’t use the same email address any more. Can you send me my password?

No. For security reasons, we cannot answer password requests from email addresses not listed in the account. This is to prevent someone pretending to be you having access to your previous orders and other personal information. If you no longer have any access to an email address, you will need to make a new account. If you would like us to disable an account you no longer have access to, we can do so. Please contact Tech Support for this.

Is my credit card information safe?

Yes. We do not store complete credit card information in our database. This ensures we are not an inviting target to hackers, as they have nothing profitable to gain in accessing the database. It also ensures that if someone gets control of your account because of a lost password or access to your computer, they don’t control your credit card information.

Which credit cards do you accept?

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover

Do you accept debit cards?

Yes, we accept debit cards backed by Visa or Mastercard. If you’re not sure, check your card. You should see the credit company’s logo printed on your card.

Why didn’t you publish my review?

All reviews go through an approval process, which may take additional time during peak business times or holidays. Reasons for rejecting a review include:
* bad grammar and spelling.
* confused, inappropriate or foul language.
* review doesn’t relate to the product it is attached to.
* negative reviews without explanation.

Titanic Historical Society, Inc.

PO Box 51053
Indian Orchard, MA 01151-0053
(413) 543 4770 (voice mail only)
(email contact preferred)