RMS Mauretania


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The Ship and Her Record.
by Gerald Aylmer

The Blue Riband of the Atlantic was not an empty honour. It gave the company a prominence in the eyes of the travelling public and in consequence invariably attracted an amount of traffic which the particular record-breakers actually carried. The German shipping companies were heavily subsidised by the German government and the British government of the day was stirred by public opinion and alarmed at the encroachment of British tonnage by Mr Pierpont Morgan’s American International Mercantile Marine combine which included the White Star Line.

Usual government policy was abandoned and an agreement was made with the Cunard Company whereby a loan was granted and the construction of two large and fast vessels began, the Mauretania and Lusitania. The long sweep and graceful lines gave an impression of speed and greater length than in actuality. The biography of an early and great ocean greyhound.

65 pages. Illustrated. Softback.

Weight 1 oz