Ghosts of The Abyss: The Outtakes
compiled by Ken Marschall
THS’s Ken Marschall and Don Lynch were in a unique position having spent several weeks down at the wreck with Jim Cameron filming Ghosts of the Abyss (and appearing in it too). A not-to-be forgotten movie that had to be seen to be appreciated. In the incredible IMAX format you actually felt like you were there. With thousands of images shot for the accompanying Ghosts book, there were many dazzling pictures that were not used. Beginning with this issue, in a series of three parts, Ken personally selected photographs to reveal the real condition of the ship using hundreds of outstanding outtakes, an exclusive for The Titanic Commutator and the images will be the last word and a true resource and reference for Titanic.
Part 1
Planning Sessions, Launchings and Recoveries
Exterior views, Titanic’s bow Then and Now
The Gymnasium
Archival photograph of Boat Deck in 3-D
The Marconi Room and the Silent Room
The Reception Room and Stained Glass Windows
Bronze-grilled Doors on D Deck
First-class Entrance, D Deck. Port Side
Other features in this issue are two points of view presented about the identification of the unknown child in Halifax through the science of DNA and an unusual and entertaining story how U.S. Government issued forms had a British ship appearing on American Merchant Marine license.
White Star Flag at the Mainmast by Captain Robert Bates – Why a British Ship appeared on the license of the American Merchant Marine.
An Unknown Victim of the Titanic Disaster is Finally Identified by Bruce Pynn – DNA identifies a victim of the Titanic Disaster.
Sea Poste – Letters to the Editor, officers and member replies to questions on collectibles, Titanic, etc.
Book Review – Last Liners of the White Star Line by Ray Lepien