The Titanic Commutator Issue 179


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An important centenary in White Star history occurred this year with the inauguration of transatlantic services from Southampton in June 1907, with the departure of Adriatic (II). Adriatic marked the beginning of the giant ship era. The design of Olympic and Titanic can be traced back to this cutting-edge vessel. Many of the features introduced in Adriatic were later incorporated into the design of these ocean-going giants; Turkish baths, a photographer’s darkroom, the plunge bath, electric lifts, a gymnasium and an enquiry office where passengers could obtain information on hotels, train timetables and tourist guides. White Star tested these ideas before developing and enlarging them for the Olympic-class. Her commander, on this historic voyage to New York, was Captain Edward J. Smith, the most highly paid officer in the British Merchant Service.

Just as Joseph Bruce Ismay was unfairly vilified for surviving the Titanic disaster by the Hearst newspapers, similar condemnation occurred with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How people at the highest levels and the rank and file membership of American and British Mormons reacted to the Titanic disaster, is explored by Richard E. Bennett, Professor, Church History and Doctrine of Brigham Young University. The British Mormons grieved the loss of William Stead. He took a special interest in the Mormons, not as a believer in their faith but as a champion for their right to co-exist with other denominations. Newspapers were responsible for spreading much of the anti-Mormon sentiment. In April 1911, the London Daily Express began promoting meetings throughout London aimed at gaining support for anti-Mormon legislation and selling newspapers while giving the Mormon elders a certain time to leave or face dire consequences.

Samuel Halpern’s analysis, Light on the Horizon, the distance between Titanic and Californian continues with Part 3.

Tim Trower begins a new series on fake Titanic collectibles to shed some needed light on a growing problem of counterfeits that are being offered as originals.

A Titanic devotee’s legacy is described by Karen Kamuda, complemented with beautiful color illustrations of an 8-foot wooden Titanic model she restored and its destination where the public can enjoy it.

THS’s recent convention celebrating “Titanic in the Movies” and the tenth anniversary of “TITANIC” which was another super weekend, is illustrated in this issue.

Contents in this Issue

Adriatic (II), The Ship That Changed Direction by Paul Louden-Brown.

Sinking of the Titanic, A Latter Day Saints Viewpoint by Richard E. Bennett and Jeffrey L. Jensen.

SeaPoste. Topics include: International Ice Patrol’s 2007 Wreath Drop, information about Brooke Astor; a pocket watch with a White Star pennant; was there a sign aboard Titanic warning against professional gamblers?; who actually named Titanic?; what cap badge?; Women’s Titanic Memorial remembrance.

Titanic is Coming Soon… The Odyssey of a Beautiful Model by Karen Kamuda.

Light on the Horizon–What Did Californian See? Part 3 by Samuel Halpern.

Book Reviews by Tim Trower: Titanic Eyewitness My Story; Passenger Liners, French Style.

Caveat Emptor, by Tim Trower.

Titanic in the Movies Weekend, A Personal Perspective by Dave DeMarco.

Front cover: Adriatic’s immense size is seen in this stern view of her in drydock.

Back cover: April 1907, starboard profile of a cased builder’s model of Adriatic.

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 0.25 in