By Captain John Treasure Jones
Born and raised on a small farm in Pembrokeshire, Wales, John Treasure Jones went to sea when he was fifteen. For the first four years he was indentured as an apprentice, surviving the ocean in a small tramp steamer. Slowly, however, he worked his way up to become Captain of the most famous ocean liner afloat, Cunard’s RMS Queen Mary.
During the Second World War, as a Commander in the Royal Navy Reserve, he was torpedoed in the Atlantic and mentioned twiced in Despatches. In the post-war glory years he mixed with film stars and royalty commanding several famous Cunard liners such as Saxonia, Mauretania and Queen Elizabeth. In 1967 he took his final command––Queen Mary on her last voyage––a 12,000-mile trip from Southampton to her retirement home in Long Beach, California. This is an important chapter for passenger ship aficionados; while he was sad that his ship was being sold, he was very proud to be in command for the final trip and the determination of her owners and supporters to preserve her for future generations. Foreword by Commodore Ronald W. Warwick.
Captain Treasure Jones died in 1993, but his manuscript was recently found and has been edited by his son-in-law to be reproduced here for the first time. Softcover. 160 pages. Lots of archival black and white photos and full page, full color paintings by Stephen Card.