Cane Fragment from a Chair on Titanic


SKU: MSCane Categories: ,

Among the undertakers sent out by the White Star Line in their search for bodies was a Mr. Cecil Zink of the Montmagny that picked up twenty-five lifejacketed victims who were brought to Halifax, Nova Scotia. The chair was picked up by one of the crew and used for many years on his front porch. These wooden chairs on White Star Line ships were standard, some made with split cane seats, others had slats. Mr. Francis Bell of 307 Portland St., Dartmouth, remembers that there were several in the area many years ago; the name Russell was the family that brought in the chair and gave it to the Dartmouth Museum in 1969 along with a lifejacket. Neither were of any great interest to the Museum whose theme was the Story of Dartmouth and they were placed in storage; the lifejacket was traded off years ago to a collector and lost track of. On July 30, 1980, Edward Kamuda attended the world premiere of Raise the Titanic in Boston, Massachusetts, a guest of the Copley Plaza Hotel and ICPR Public Relations of New York. During the post-premiere activities this original, authentic deck-type chair that had been obtained from the Dartmouth Heritage Museum by the Copley Plaza was donated to the Titanic Historical Society.

Cane piece from a chair on Titanic retrieved by crew of Montmagny comes in your choice of a glass-enclosed frame with felt matte back, a photograph of the wooden chair which it came from and displayed in the Titanic Museum Collection and a photograph of an original Titanic broadsheet.

Framed $1,100.00
Unframed in clear lucite case $950.00

A Certificate of Authenticity will accompany your artifact with the Society’s Great Seal and the President/Founder, Edward S. Kamuda’s signature:

Certificate of Authenticity
Royal & United States Mail Steamer Titanic
Your name as an owner and date imprinted on the Certificate.

A decade ago when the THS Collection was being moved and photographed by Karen Kamuda, tiny loose pieces fell from some of the items while they were being unwrapped and conserved. Three types in all are available.

  • Cane From Chair on Titanic
  • Carpet Yarn (or thread) from Titanic
  • Cork from Mrs Astor’s Lifejacket (No longer available as of July 2013)
    • These historic artifacts as described have been documented and illustrated in The Titanic Commutator, the Society’s official journal of record and are displayed in the Society’s Collection.

Weight 1 oz

