by Karl Baarslag. Reprint of Chapter III from The Unsinkable Ship, originally printed in 1935.
The author was an experienced seagoing radio operator who developed an interest in the early distress calls. He discovered many marine operators died at their posts and some of their names are remembered on a Memorial cenotaph (pictured on the back cover) in Battery Park, New York. It contains the operator’s name, his ship and the place of each disaster. After careful search he discovered the surprising fact that no reference work existed recording the part that radiotelegraphy had played or how many of these little known operators had lost their lives. Even the origin of the SOS signal was obscure and surrounded by fanciful misconceptions. Barslaag brings to these pages fascinating true stories to acquaint the general public with the real “Sparks”, the ship’s radioman, his work and the inside story of these disasters by a professional radioman unadorned by romance or fancy. This book tells the story of Titanic and Jack Philip’s last message, the part played by wireless, the Californian, Carpathia’s great run, and Captain Rostron’s superb seamanship. When SOS flashes through the 600 meter band, all men of whatever race and nationality are one.
Softback. 44 pages.